

The Vietnam Development Bank

The Vietnam Development Bank

The Vietnam Development Bank ( VDB) was established under Decision no.108/2006/QD-TTg dated 19 May 2006 by the Prime Minister on the basis of restructuring the Development  Assistance      Fund (01 January 2000 – 30 June 2006).

The organization and operation charter and financial mechanism of VDB are in accordance with the Prime Minister’s decision.

Total assets and charter capital of VDB are nearly VND 247,000 billion and VND 10,000 billion respectively. VDB now boasts  an extensive network  of  branches  and  transaction  centres  nationwide  with a focus  on financing development  projects and  exporting enterprises  in the  sector of infrastructure and key industries, rural agriculture areas and disadvantaged areas in line with the socio-economic development strategy of the country.

Main lines of business include: investment lending, investment credit guarantee, medium and small-enterprise credit guarantee, post-investment support, export credit, bid security and export contract performance security. During the period of 2006 – 2010, VDB supplied the economy with investment capital of over VND170,000 billion, accounting for 9.5% of the total investment capital of the entire society in the period.

A comprehensive range of activities are now undertaken  by VDB for a strategic goal of becoming a professional bank of the Government in the fields of development investment and export, better responding  to investors’ demands  and  working  towards sustainable economic  growth; streamlined organization and  advanced management practices on  the  basis of modern  technology,  financial transparency, attaining international standards for capital and credit safety. VDB’s strategic guidelines: Safety   and efficiency – International integration - Sustainable development.

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